Photo of calendar with one of the dates circled in red, and the red pencil still has the point down on the paper.

World Health Day

World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated on April 7th every year, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). Each year the day draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. The theme for 2022 is, our planet, our health. On this World Health Day 2022, WHO will focus global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being.   Find more information here – WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is also a health crisis. You can advocate for climate change by visiting our advocacy site and supporting the Climate Change Health Protection and Promotion Act –


April 7, 2022


Eastern Time
All Day
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